So I guess I was bound to write this.
I have an ex boyfriend. I know, typical way to start this. I am still in love with him. He lives pretty far away and it is difficult to get over him. I had to fall so hard for the sensitive rocker huh? He was wonderful to me but it fell apart like most relationships.
Now for the next guy. He is another rocker which means trouble. Yet again sensitive. He is so unbelievably sweet to me. The bad news is that we have only known him for a short time. He is well nice. I am just scared he will become something I don't want. Which is already happening.
Guy number three. This one is the one I flirt with in a sexual way. He is crazy and he is a good friend. Of course I don't think he would ever date me. He is the guy that is sleeping around and we all consider him as the man whore. I wish I was kidding. He is such a pretty boy too. He is a good guy all around though.
I guess I am tired of what I had but still want it. One guy broke up with me, the next one is sweet, and the last is a whore. I want a guy that would be good to me, but be there for me all the time without being so attached. I wish there was a guy like that out there.