November 21, 2009

School... High School vs. College

I'm the kind of girl that will fall asleep in all of my classes and still learn everything I need to learn in that class. I have done it many times, and still continue to do it.
(Student in the picture isn't me.)
Every morning that I go to my classes, I tend to fall asleep in my first class. At least everyone else laughs about it. I never get in trouble either. My teacher just lets me do it. He doesn't care at all.

Can you imagine a blonde sitting next to you at a blonde at a table and she is falling asleep?

Well, that is me. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not.

After classes, I am found texting and messing around on the computer. I am just a typical teen. The only thing is, I can't believe that I feel so rushed with school right now!

I am a Running Start student full time. So, I get to go to college instead of put up with the dramatic high schools. (SO happy to be away from it!) I never like high school. I found it was only needed for those who want to socialize only and make others feel bad. I know, I am blonde and could be a cheerleader, but I gave it all up to be where I am now.

College has saved me from everything. High school sucks where I live. I would rather jump off a cliff. I love hanging with older people in classes too. They all know my age cause I act it. lolz. Of course, I try to stay very busy, and it tends to bite me in the ass sometimes. I like talking to everyone in my classes because I am told that I am really friendly for being a gothic chick. (Yes, I am goth.)

High school was hard on me. I had hardly any friends and moving to a new place every time I started liking a place got hard. Students in high school are not very welcoming. Each time I walked in, they just laughed including the goth people there too. No one had anything to do with me.

Now that I am in college, I am constantly talking to people and calling them friends. People are more accepting there. More willing to get along. LESS DRAMA! Things are easier on me here.

Now for my grades. I am a 3.8 gpa student in college right now. I am really good at all my classes and get along with each professor. They all listen when I talk and treat me as an equal. Since I work hard for my grades, I get respected for what I do.

My grades in high school were high too, but the teachers HATED me. I was the girl in the back speaking my opinion. All my teachers found me challenging. I even had one teacher yell at me because I wear only black. She sent me to the office, and I had the principal laughing his ass off. Him and I saw it as ridiculous.

So, I may still be the girl sleeping in class, but I am rushing through my education. Somehow I am staying sane through in all too. At least no more high school for me. Sorry for those still suffering though it.